domingo, marzo 23, 2008

100 things meme.

Another night of insomnia. Probably, I need a cup of coffee to sleep.
Well, I came back to Rachael Anne Rules the World. The blog is far away to be interesting or funny, but she write about her life. A pretty difficult thing, I'm proud of her, I can't do that. So, I had a look at her links, especially one, The Wisdom of a Distracted Mind, the blog of a writer. He is a Packer's fan, I'm a 49er's. Ha! we are rivals. Well, he is from Wisconsin, what could I expect from he? Hey! he like cheese! (The cheese hat is very famous around the football's world).

Anyway, he wrote a post about something that he read it from another blog before (and the other person read it before from another blog. I am not original): The One hundred Things meme. A egocentric exercise. It consists of write 100 things about himself. So, this is my chance.
  1. I'm a japanmexican guy
  2. I don't know Europe
  3. So, Je ne parle pas francais
  4. That's truth
  5. My English is very bad
  6. I like football
  7. watch it & play it
  8. I'm a Radiohead fan.
  9. I'm listening'em right now.
  10. I like caffeine.
  11. I hate decaffeine and light food.
  12. I like cook.
  13. I like cook for a woman.
  14. I like women
  15. I'm straight
  16. I like sleep
  17. I may sleep right now
  18. Generally, I like food.
  19. More than alcohol
  20. no more than sex.
  21. I smoke.
  22. I'm a sinner, don't you think?
  23. I like talk about sports
  24. I like to talk
  25. I'm a better listener
  26. I hate to be angry.
  27. i'm a devil when I'm angry.
  28. I'm a mathematician.
  29. Well, a piece of paper say that.
  30. I like polytopes & graphs
  31. I hate algebra & statistics
  32. I'm a teacher.
  33. Really, I'm a teacher.
  34. I like art
  35. but hate any no title piece,
  36. I like music
  37. specially jazz and blues
  38. I don't like metal.
  39. i'm still be diggin' on James Brown
  40. well, I just pretend
  41. when I was younger I wanted to be an artist
  42. A painter
  43. now, is just a hobby.
  44. Dejaré de escribir en ingles, es muy cansado
  45. Tengo pocos amigos
  46. pero de los buenos.
  47. no soy mujeriego
  48. tampoco romantico.
  49. pero si un caballero (ja!)
  50. Estoy en los veintes
  51. Estudio la maestria
  52. mmm... voy a la mitad.
  53. he viajado
  54. me gusta viajar
  55. y tomar fotos
  56. muchas fotos
  57. para luego escoger unas 10 con suerte.
  58. don't let me high, don't let me dry
  59. Me gusta bailar
  60. quiero aprender mas pasos y bailes
  61. me gusta que mi pareja baile
  62. No tengo pareja ahora
  63. Es muy bueno que te bailen reggeaton
  64. para eso lo invetaron, es la única razón
  65. Prefiero la salsa a la cumbia
  66. el electrónico también es bienvenido
  67. Me gusta el numero 13
  68. aunque muchos digan que es de mala suerte
  69. nací en Viernes 13.
  70. en 13 de Enero
  71. Jugué americano en la preparatoria y vestia el 13
  72. no jugué un partido de verdad
  73. sólo interescuadras,
  74. era banca de banca.
  75. Mis estadisticas: una tacleada, una intercepción, un balón suelto.
  76. Tengo la rodilla izquierda jodida
  77. A green plastic watering can
  78. Ya tengo sueño, por fin
  79. I'll try to write in English again
  80. I don't like politics
  81. No more religion, please
  82. I'm a atheistic
  83. I hate paranormal things
  84. I believe in angels
  85. not the catholic,
  86. my own angels
  87. I'm obsess with clowns
  88. I try to draw a comic of clowns
  89. I don't wish to be president
  90. nor rich.
  91. I want to be a mathematician
  92. a real one
  93. I don't remember my dreams
  94. I forget many important things
  95. I like distract people from his duties
  96. I like that someone distracts me from my duties
  97. specially a woman
  98. I want to jump out of a airplane
  99. I have acrophobia
  100. I finished this.
Esto es bastante cansado. If you want to do this, good luck! my friend.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
Omar dijo...

Jeje, me agrada, empieza la censura del blogger. Como recomendación, cuando elimines una entrada deja un comentario acerca de tus razones para hacerlo, aqui no importa, pero es una buena práctica de los Mods de foros.

"I'm a Radiohead fan."
Curioso, yo tambien, y tambien lo estoy escuchando en este instante, pero a diferencia de ustedes, The Bends es mi disco favorito.

"I hate algebra & statistics"
Well, c'ya in hell.

"no soy mujeriego"
siii wey.

"era banca de banca."
Ahhh, no teniamos banca, ese era el problema.

"My English is very bad"
Humm, sip, no por grandes errores gramaticales, sino por que se siente poco natural.

+Koike-Rado dijo...

Borre el comentario porque era spam y me molesta mucho el spam... tengo dos
discos preferidos de Radiohead, OK Computer y el In Rainbows... Y No soy

ari dijo...


Tal vez lo haga...un día.
