Me dió mucha curiosidad al leer el titulo de la página, pensé: '¡¿será?!..., ¡no!, no puede ser, ¡si es!'.
!Dí con una pagina de creasionistas!
No pude ocultar mi alegría al dar con este gran tesoro, así que capturé algunas frases que me gustaron:
"I discussed the fact that Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist who ever lived, believed that the Universe is the product of a supreme designer, a fact that negates the recent slurry of atheistic books and articles asserting that any belief in a creator is inherently unscientific (from 'Another Believing Scientist' 1)".
Este es un titulo: "Inmorality and Darwinism at Bowling Green State University (2)"
Un abstract de un artículo: "Abstract: On its face, the Second Law of Thermodynamics stands diametrically opposed to any theory, including biological evolution, that requires matter to go spontaneously from a simple, random form to a more complex, specified form. The stock reply from virtually all Darwinists to this objection is that the Second Law applies only to closed systems. In the case of evolution, Darwinists say, the Second Law’s tendency to prevent the incredible ordering necessary for evolution is circumvented by including the sun in our local earth system. Usually the Second Law is dismissed flippantly and casually, as if its inapplicability to evolution is hardly worth elaboration. Understanding the Second Law (and the evolutionist response) is necessary for an understanding of how it is a powerful argument against natural, unguided evolution. For this reason, the reader is urged to consider carefully the following discussion, where every effort has been made to avoid overly tedious detail (from 'Evolution and the Second Law of Thermodynamics' 3)".
"Famed mathematician Kurt Gödel proved two extraordinary theorems. Accepted by all mathematicians, they have revolutionized mathematics, showing that mathematical truth is more than logic and computation. Does Gödel's work imply that someone or something transcends the universe?",
"Take note! He did not prove a contradictory statement, that A = non-A, (the kind of thinking that occurs in many Eastern religions)." y
"As it stands, the very real infinities and paradoxes of nature demand something higher, different in kind, more powerful, to explain them just as every logic set needs a higher logic set to prove and explain elements within it. (from 'Gödel's Theorems and Truth' 4).
Esto me recordo una vez que entro un viejito a una clase y probó en el pizarrón que el Amor se acaba.
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